Brighton & Hove City Council


Health & Wellbeing Board


3.00pm13 September 2022


Council Chamber, Brighton Town Hall




Present: Councillors Shanks (Chair) Councillor Nield (Deputy Chair), Robins (Opposition Spokesperson), Brown (Group Spokesperson) and Appich


NHS Members present: Lola Banjoko and Andy Jones


Non Voting Members : Alistair Hill, Statutory Director for Adult Social Care; Alistair Hill, Director of Public Health; Deb Austin, Statutory Director of Children’s Services, David Liley, Healthwatch










12          Declarations of substitutes and interests and exclusions



12(a)   Apologies & Declaration of Substitutes


12.1    It was noted that, Siobhan Melia (SCFT), Dr Jane Padmore (SPFT) and Dr Andy Heeps (UHS), voting members had sent their apologies. Also, Geoff Raw (Chief Executive, Brighton & Hove City Council), Joanna Martindale (Community Works), Tom Lambert (Carers Centre) and Annie Callanan had sent their apologies.


1.2       Andy Jones was present in substitution for Ashley Scarff.


12(b)   Declarations of Interests


12.3    There were none.


12(c)   Exclusion of Press and Public


12.4    In accordance with Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972 (“the Act”), the Health and Wellbeing Board considered whether the public should be excluded from the meeting during consideration of any item of business on the grounds that it is likely in view of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during it, there would be disclosure to them of confidential information as defined in Section 100A (3) of the Act.


12.5    RESOLVED - That the public be not excluded during consideration of any item of business set out on the agenda.




13          Chair's Communications


13.1    The Chair gave the following communications:


Briefing – Mental Health Supported Accommodation for H&WBB


13.2    “Brighton & Hove City Council in partnership with NHS Sussex commission three Supported Accommodation services for people with mental health needs. These services form part of the Mental Health Supported Accommodation Pathway and offer high, medium and low support and accommodation to people in the city. The contracts for these services are due to end and following committee approval and extensive consultation with service users, referrers and other stakeholders the council and NHS Sussex have been through a procurement process for two new supported accommodation services and a discharge to assess service which offers short term accommodation and support for those leaving hospital.


The newly commissioned services offer


·      High quality accommodation with support

·      An increased level of self-contained accommodation with specific provision for women with complex needs and vulnerable individuals.

·      A flexible level of support within the services which can increase and decrease to meet client needs without individuals having to move accommodation.

·      Therapeutic interventions and trauma informed support through well trained staff.


The contracts for the services have been awarded to:


SJOG (Saint John of God Hospitaller Services) for the high and medium supported accommodation service BHT Sussex for the medium to low supported accommodation service.  BHT Sussex are the existing provider of this service and to Southdowns Housing Association for low support accommodation and the discharge to assess service


The new services are being mobilised and council and NHS Sussex Staff are working closely with both the current and new services to ensure that both service users and staff are supported in the transition period.


We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the outgoing service providers of high and medium support BHT Sussex and Sanctuary Housing for providing good quality accommodation and support services to people with mental health needs over many years. We look forward to supporting SJOG, BHT Sussex and Southdown with the new services.


Boosting your immunity with your flu vaccine and Covid booster this winter


NHS is offering an additional Autumn booster to people who are more vulnerable to COVID-19. The rollout began last week with care home residents and that’s now been expanded to people aged 65 and over, those who are immunocompromised, carers and frontline health and care workers. Anyone who is eligible should book through the national booking service online or over the phone. Others will be invited in the coming weeks.


The local flu vaccine rollout has also begun. Those who been invited should book an appointment with their GP or pharmacy as soon as possible.


13.3    RESOLVED – That the Chair’s Communications be noted and received.




14          Formal Public Involvement


It was noted that a public question had been received but that the member of

14(a)   Petitions


14.1    There were none.


14(b)   Written Questions


14.2    It was noted that one question had been received and that the member concerned had been unable to attend the meeting. It was agreed that a written response would be sent.


14(c)   Deputations


14.3    There were none.




15          Formal Member Involvement


15.1    There were no items.




16          Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Report 2022


16.1    The Board considered a report of the Brighton and Hove Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Steering Group presenting the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Report 2022.


16.2    It was noted that The Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) had a statutory responsibility to publish a revised Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) every three years. However, as a result of Covid19 the regulations were amended to allow for the PNA to be published within four years, by October 2022. The PNA mapped current pharmaceutical services, identifying gaps and exploring possible future needs. It was used by NHS England and Sussex Integrated Care Board to decide upon applications to open new pharmacies and informed the commissioning of pharmaceutical services. The draft PNA report had been discussed at the Brighton & Hove Health & Wellbeing Board meeting in July 2022 and feedback from those discussions had also informed amendments to the final report.


16.3    Councillor Appich enquired regarding measures to be put into place to publicise opening hours of pharmacies across the city. It appeared that in some areas of the city pharmacies were under used. Councillor Appich went on to ask what arrangements were being put into place by exploring with NHS colleagues how this work could be carried forward, commending the report as a comprehensive document.


16.4    Councillor Robins referred to the late-night contraception service, currently available until 8.00pm, stating that he considered that it would be helpful if this facility could be made available until a later hour.


16.5    Councillor Brown referred to the poor response rate to the consultation also to the lack of evening provision across the city. It appeared that there was a need for a greater degree of communication between pharmacists and GP’s in order to publicise the services available.


16.6    The Director of Public Health thanked Board Members for their contributions which had been picked up in the recommendations. Work would be carried forward through work with NHS Sussex where the key issues which had been highlighted would be picked up.


16.7    The Chair, Councillor Shanks was pleased to note that issues raised would be carried forward with NHS colleagues via NHS Sussex. The Chief Executive of Brighton Healthwatch, David Liley, explained that Healthwatch had statutory responsibility for overseeing this. He explained that discussions were taking place to ensure that targeted use of the media took place through use of social media to ensure that information got to where it needed to be, for example in relation to contraception services.


16.8    The Executive Director, Health and Adult Social Care, explained that in the longer term the issues highlighted would be taken up in the appropriate action plans to ensure that that they were reflected in those too.


16.9    RESOLVED – That the Health and Wellbeing Board gives its formal approval to the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment report 2022 and to the recommendations contained within it.





The meeting concluded at 4.00pm














Dated this

day of